ASC X12 004010

355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code

Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken

01       Actual Pounds
02       Statute Mile
03       Seconds
04       Small Spray
05       Lifts
06       Digits
07       Strand
08       Heat Lots
09       Tire
10       Group
11       Outfit
12       Packet
13       Ration
14       Shot
15       Stick
16       115 Kilogram Drum
17       100 Pound Drum
18       55 Gallon Drum
19       Tank Truck
1A       Car Mile
1B       Car Count
1C       Locomotive Count
1D       Caboose Count
1E       Empty Car
1F       Train Mile
1G       Fuel Usage (Gallons)
1H       Caboose Mile
1I       Fixed Rate
1J       Ton Miles
1K       Locomotive Mile
1L       Total Car Count
1M       Total Car Mile
1N       Count
1O       Season
1P       Tank Car
1Q       Frames
1R       Transactions
1X       Quarter Mile
20       20 Foot Container
21       40 Foot Container
22       Deciliter per Gram
23       Grams per Cubic Centimeter
24       Theoretical Pounds
25       Grams per Square Centimeter
26       Actual Tons
27       Theoretical Tons
28       Kilograms per Square Meter
29       Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
2A       Radians Per Second
2B       Radians Per Second Squared
2C       Roentgen
2F       Volts Per Meter
2G       Volts (Alternating Current)
2H       Volts (Direct Current)
2I       British Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
2J       Cubic Centimeters Per Second
2K       Cubic Feet Per Hour
2L       Cubic Feet Per Minute
2M       Centimeters Per Second
2N       Decibels
2P       Kilobyte
2Q       Kilobecquerel
2R       Kilocurie
2U       Megagram
2V       Megagrams Per Hour
2W       Bin
2X       Meters Per Minute
2Y       Milliroentgen
2Z       Millivolts
30       Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
31       Catchweight
32       Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
33       Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
34       Kilopascals per Millimeter
35       Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
36       Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
37       Ounces per Square Foot
38       Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
39       Basis Points
3B       Megajoule
3C       Manmonth
3E       Pounds Per Pound of Product
3F       Kilograms Per Liter of Product
3G       Pounds Per Piece of Product
3H       Kilograms Per Kilogram of Product
3I       Kilograms Per Piece of Product
40       Milliliter per Second
41       Milliliter per Minute
43       Super Bulk Bag
44       500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
45       300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
46       25 Kilogram Bulk Bag
47       50 Pound Bag
48       Bulk Car Load
4A       Bobbin
4B       Cap
4C       Centistokes
4D       Curie
4E       20-Pack
4F       100-Pack
4G       Microliter
4H       Micrometer
4I       Meters Per Second
4J       Meters Per Second Per Second
4K       Milliamperes
4L       Megabyte
4M       Milligrams Per Hour
4N       Megabecquerel
4O       Microfarad
4P       Newtons Per Meter
4Q       Ounce Inch
4R       Ounce Foot
4S       Pascal
4T       Picofarad
4U       Pounds Per Hour
4V       Cubic Meter Per Hour
4W       Ton Per Hour
4X       Kiloliter Per Hour
50       Actual Kilograms
51       Actual Tonnes
52       Credits
53       Theoretical Kilograms
54       Theoretical Tonnes
56       Sitas
57       Mesh
58       Net Kilograms
59       Parts Per Million
5A       Barrels per Minute
5B       Batch
5C       Gallons per Thousand
5E       MMSCF/Day
5F       Pounds per Thousand
5G       Pump
5H       Stage
5I       Standard Cubic Foot
5J       Hydraulic Horse Power
5K       Count per Minute
5P       Seismic Level
5Q       Seismic Line
60       Percent Weight
61       Parts Per Billion
62       Percent Per 1000 Hours
63       Failure Rate In Time
64       Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
65       Coulomb
66       Oersteds
67       Siemens
68       Ampere
69       Test Specific Scale
70       Volt
71       Volt-Ampere Per Pound
72       Watts Per Pound
73       Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
74       Milli Pascals
76       Gauss
77       Mil
78       Kilogauss
79       Electron Volt
80       Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
81       Henry
82       Ohm
83       Farad
84       Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
85       Foot Pounds
86       Joules
87       Pounds per Cubic Foot
89       Poise
8C       Cord
8D       Duty
8P       Project
8R       Program
8S       Session
8U       Square Kilometer
90       Saybold Universal Second
91       Stokes
92       Calories per Cubic Centimeter
93       Calories per Gram
94       Curl Units
95       20,000 Gallon Tankcar
96       10,000 Gallon Tankcar
97       10 Kilogram Drum
98       15 Kilogram Drum
99       Watt
A8       Dollars per Hours
AA       Ball
AB       Bulk Pack
AC       Acre
AD       Bytes
AE       Amperes per Meter
AF       Centigram
AG       Angstrom
AH       Additional Minutes
AI       Average Minutes Per Call
AJ       Cop
AK       Fathom
AL       Access Lines
AM       Ampoule
AN       Minutes or Messages
AO       Ampere-turn
AP       Aluminum Pounds Only
AQ       Anti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
AR       Suppository
AS       Assortment
AT       Atmosphere
AU       Ocular Insert System
AV       Capsule
AW       Powder-Filled Vials
AX       Twenty
AY       Assembly
AZ       British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
B0       British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
B1       Barrels per Day
B2       Bunks
B3       Batting Pound
B4       Barrel, Imperial
B5       Billet
B6       Bun
B7       Cycles
B8       Board
B9       Batt
BA       Bale
BB       Base Box
BC       Bucket
BD       Bundle
BE       Beam
BF       Board Feet
BG       Bag
BH       Brush
BI       Bar
BJ       Band
BK       Book
BL       Block
BM       Bolt
BN       Bulk
BO       Bottle
BP       100 Board Feet
BQ       Brake horse power
BR       Barrel
BS       Basket
BT       Belt
BU       Bushel
BV       Bushel, Dry Imperial
BW       Base Weight
BX       Box
BY       British Thermal Unit (BTU)
BZ       Million BTU's
C0       Calls
C1       Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
C2       Carset
C3       Centiliter
C4       Carload
C5       Cost
C6       Cell
C7       Centipoise (CPS)
C8       Cubic Decimeter
C9       Coil Group
CA       Case
CB       Carboy
CC       Cubic Centimeter
CD       Carat
CE       Centigrade, Celsius
CF       Cubic Feet
CG       Card
CH       Container
CI       Cubic Inches
CJ       Cone
CK       Connector
CL       Cylinder
CM       Centimeter
CN       Can
CO       Cubic Meters (Net)
CP       Crate
CQ       Cartridge
CR       Cubic Meter
CS       Cassette
CT       Carton
CU       Cup
CV       Cover
CW       Hundred Pounds (CWT)
CX       Coil
CY       Cubic Yard
CZ       Combo
D2       Shares
D3       Square Decimeter
D5       Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
D8       Draize Score
D9       Dyne per Square Centimeter
DA       Days
DB       Dry Pounds
DC       Disk (Disc)
DD       Degree
DE       Deal
DF       Dram
DG       Decigram
DH       Miles
DI       Dispenser
DJ       Decagram
DK       Kilometers
DL       Deciliter
DM       Decimeter
DN       Deci Newton-Meter
DO       Dollars, U.S.
DP       Dozen Pair
DQ       Data Records
DR       Drum
DS       Display
DT       Dry Ton
DU       Dyne
DW       Calendar Days
DX       Dynes per Centimeter
DY       Directory Books
DZ       Dozen
E1       Hectometer
E3       Inches, Fraction--Average
E4       Inches, Fraction--Minimum
E5       Inches, Fraction--Actual
E7       Inches, Decimal--Average
E8       Inches, Decimal--Actual
E9       English, (Feet, Inches)
EA       Each
EB       Electronic Mail Boxes
EC       Each per Month
ED       Inches, Decimal--Nominal
EE       Employees
EF       Inches, Fraction-Nominal
EG       Double-time Hours
EH       Knots
EJ       Locations
EM       Inches, Decimal-Minimum
EP       Eleven pack
EQ       Equivalent Gallons
EV       Envelope
EX       Feet, Inches and Fraction
EY       Feet, Inches and Decimal
EZ       Feet and Decimal
F1       Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
F2       International Unit
F3       Equivalent
F4       Minim
F5       MOL
F6       Price Per Share
F9       Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
FA       Fahrenheit
FB       Fields
FC       1000 Cubic Feet
FD       Million Particles per Cubic Foot
FE       Track Foot
FF       Hundred Cubic Meters
FG       Transdermal Patch
FH       Micromolar
FJ       Sizing Factor
FK       Fibers
FL       Flake Ton
FM       Million Cubic Feet
FO       Fluid Ounce
FP       Pounds per Sq. Ft.
FR       Feet Per Minute
FS       Feet Per Second
FT       Foot
FZ       Fluid Ounce (Imperial)
G2       U.S. Gallons Per Minute
G3       Imperial Gallons Per Minute
G4       Gigabecquerel
G5       Gill (Imperial)
G7       Microfiche Sheet
GA       Gallon
GB       Gallons/Day
GC       Grams per 100 Grams
GD       Gross Barrels
GE       Pounds per Gallon
GF       Grams per 100 Centimeters
GG       Great Gross (Dozen Gross)
GH       Half Gallon
GI       Imperial Gallons
GJ       Grams per Milliliter
GK       Grams per Kilogram
GL       Grams per Liter
GM       Grams per Sq. Meter
GN       Gross Gallons
GO       Milligrams per Square Meter
GP       Milligrams per Cubic Meter
GQ       Micrograms per Cubic Meter
GR       Gram
GS       Gross
GT       Gross Kilogram
GU       Gauss per Oersteds
GV       Gigajoules
GW       Gallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
GX       Grain
GY       Gross Yard
GZ       Gage Systems
H1       Half Pages - Electronic
H2       Half Liter
H4       Hectoliter
HA       Hank
HB       Hundred Boxes
HC       Hundred Count
HD       Half Dozen
HE       Hundredth of a Carat
HF       Hundred Feet
HG       Hectogram
HH       Hundred Cubic Feet
HI       Hundred Sheets
HJ       Horsepower
HK       Hundred Kilograms
HL       Hundred Feet - Linear
HM       Miles Per Hour
HN       Millimeters of Mercury
HO       Hundred Troy Ounces
HP       Millimeter H20
HQ       Hectare
HR       Hours
HS       Hundred Square Feet
HT       Half Hour
HU       Hundred
HV       Hundred Weight (Short)
HW       Hundred Weight (Long)
HY       Hundred Yards
HZ       Hertz
IA       Inch Pound
IB       Inches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
IC       Counts per Inch
IE       Person
IF       Inches of Water
IH       Inhaler
II       Column-Inches
IK       Peaks per Inch (PPI)
IL       Inches per Minute
IM       Impressions
IN       Inch
IP       Insurance Policy
IT       Counts per Centimeter
IU       Inches Per Second (Linear Speed)
IV       Inches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
IW       Inches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
J2       Joule Per Kilogram
JA       Job
JB       Jumbo
JE       Joule Per Kelvin
JG       Joule per Gram
JK       Mega Joule per Kilogram
JM       Megajoule/Cubic Meter
JO       Joint
JR       Jar
JU       Jug
K1       Kilowatt Demand
K2       Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
K3       Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
K4       Kilovolt Amperes
K5       Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
K6       Kiloliter
K7       Kilowatt
K9       Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
KA       Cake
KB       Kilocharacters
KC       Kilograms per Cubic Meter
KD       Kilograms Decimal
KE       Keg
KF       Kilopackets
KG       Kilogram
KH       Kilowatt Hour
KI       Kilograms/Millimeter Width
KJ       Kilosegments
KK       100 Kilograms
KL       Kilograms/Meter
KM       Kilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
KO       Millequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
KP       Kilometers Per Hour
KQ       Kilopascal
KR       Kiloroentgen
KS       1000 Pounds per Square Inch
KT       Kit
KU       Task
KV       Kelvin
KW       Kilograms per Millimeter
KX       Milliliters per Kilogram
L2       Liters Per Minute
LA       Pounds Per Cubic Inch
LB       Pound
LC       Linear Centimeter
LE       Lite
LF       Linear Foot
LG       Long Ton
LH       Labor Hours
LI       Linear Inch
LJ       Large Spray
LK       Link
LL       Lifetime
LM       Linear Meter
LN       Length
LO       Lot
LP       Liquid Pounds
LQ       Liters Per Day
LR       Layer(s)
LS       Lump Sum
LT       Liter
LX       Linear Yards Per Pound
LY       Linear Yard
M0       Magnetic Tapes
M1       Milligrams per Liter
M2       Millimeter-Actual
M3       Mat
M4       Monetary Value
M5       Microcurie
M6       Millibar
M7       Micro Inch
M8       Mega Pascals
M9       Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
MA       Machine/Unit
MB       Millimeter-Nominal
MC       Microgram
MD       Air Dry Metric Ton
ME       Milligram
MF       Milligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
MG       Metric Gross Ton
MH       Microns (Micrometers)
MI       Metric
MJ       Minutes
MK       Milligrams Per Square Inch
ML       Milliliter
MM       Millimeter
MN       Metric Net Ton
MO       Months
MP       Metric Ton
MQ       1000 Meters
MR       Meter
MS       Square Millimeter
MT       Metric Long Ton
MU       Millicurie
MV       Number of Mults
MW       Metric Ton Kilograms
MX       Mixed
MY       Millimeter-Average
MZ       Millimeter-minimum
N1       Pen Calories
N2       Number of Lines
N3       Print Point
N4       Pen Grams (Protein)
N6       Megahertz
N7       Parts
N9       Cartridge Needle
NA       Milligrams per Kilogram
NB       Barge
NC       Car
ND       Net Barrels
NE       Net Liters
NF       Messages
NG       Net Gallons
NH       Message Hours
NI       Net Imperial Gallons
NJ       Number of Screens
NL       Load
NM       Nautical Mile
NN       Train
NQ       Mho
NR       Micro Mho
NS       Short Ton
NT       Trailer
NU       Newton-Meter
NV       Vehicle
NW       Newton
NX       Parts Per Thousand
NY       Pounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
OA       Panel
OC       Billboard
ON       Ounces per Square Yard
OP       Two pack
OT       Overtime Hours
OZ       Ounce - Av
P0       Pages - Electronic
P1       Percent
P2       Pounds per Foot
P3       Three pack
P4       Four-pack
P5       Five-pack
P6       Six pack
P7       Seven pack
P8       Eight-pack
P9       Nine pack
PA       Pail
PB       Pair Inches
PC       Piece
PD       Pad
PE       Pounds Equivalent
PF       Pallet (Lift)
PG       Pounds Gross
PH       Pack (PAK)
PI       Pitch
PJ       Pounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
PK       Package
PL       Pallet/Unit Load
PM       Pounds-Percentage
PN       Pounds Net
PO       Pounds per Inch of Length
PP       Plate
PQ       Pages per Inch
PR       Pair
PS       Pounds per Sq. Inch
PT       Pint
PU       Mass Pounds
PV       Half Pint
PW       Pounds per Inch of Width
PX       Pint, Imperial
PY       Peck, Dry U.S.
PZ       Peck, Dry Imperial
Q1       Quarter (Time)
Q2       Pint U.S. Dry
Q3       Meal
Q4       Fifty
Q5       Twenty-Five
Q6       Thirty-Six
Q7       Twenty-Four
QA       Pages - Facsimile
QB       Pages - Hardcopy
QC       Channel
QD       Quarter Dozen
QE       Photographs
QH       Quarter Hours
QK       Quarter Kilogram
QR       Quire
QS       Quart, Dry U.S.
QT       Quart
QU       Quart, Imperial
R1       Pica
R2       Becquerel
R3       Revolutions Per Minute
R4       Calorie
R5       Thousands of Dollars
R6       Millions of Dollars
R7       Billions of Dollars
R8       Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
R9       Thousand Cubic Meters
RA       Rack
RB       Radian
RC       Rod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
RD       Rod (length) - 5.5 Yards
RE       Reel
RG       Ring
RH       Running or Operating Hours
RK       Roll-Metric Measure
RL       Roll
RM       Ream
RN       Ream-Metric Measure
RO       Round
RP       Pounds per Ream
RS       Resets
RT       Revenue Ton Miles
RU       Run
S1       Semester
S2       Trimester
S3       Square Feet per Second
S4       Square Meters per Second
S5       Sixty-fourths of an Inch
S6       Sessions
S7       Storage Units
S8       Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
S9       Slip Sheet
SA       Sandwich
SB       Square Mile
SC       Square Centimeter
SD       Solid Pounds
SE       Section
SF       Square Foot
SG       Segment
SH       Sheet
SI       Square Inch
SJ       Sack
SK       Split Tanktruck
SL       Sleeve
SM       Square Meter
SN       Square Rod
SO       Spool
SP       Shelf Package
SQ       Square
SR       Strip
SS       Sheet-Metric Measure
ST       Set
SV       Skid
SW       Skein
SX       Shipment
SY       Square Yard
SZ       Syringe
T0       Telecommunications Lines in Service
T1       Thousand pounds gross
T2       Thousandths of an Inch
T3       Thousand Pieces
T4       Thousand Bags
T5       Thousand Casings
T6       Thousand Gallons
T7       Thousand Impressions
T8       Thousand Linear Inches
T9       Thousand Kilowatt Hours
TA       Tenth Cubic Foot
TB       Tube
TC       Truckload
TD       Therms
TE       Tote
TF       Ten Square Yards
TG       Gross Ton
TH       Thousand
TI       Thousand Square Inches
TJ       Thousand Sq. Centimeters
TK       Tank
TL       Thousand Feet (Linear)
TM       Thousand Feet (Board)
TN       Net Ton (2,000 LB).
TO       Troy Ounce
TP       Ten-pack
TQ       Thousand Feet
TR       Ten Square Feet
TS       Thousand Square Feet
TT       Thousand Linear Meters
TU       Thousand Linear Yards
TV       Thousand Kilograms
TW       Thousand Sheets
TX       Troy Pound
TY       Tray
TZ       Thousand Cubic Feet
U1       Treatments
U2       Tablet
U3       Ten
U5       Two Hundred Fifty
UA       Torr
UB       Telecommunications Lines in Service - Average
UC       Telecommunications Ports
UD       Tenth Minutes
UE       Tenth Hours
UF       Usage per Telecommunications Line - Average
UH       Ten Thousand Yards
UL       Unitless
UM       Million Units
UN       Unit
UP       Troche
UQ       Wafer
UR       Application
US       Dosage Form
UT       Inhalation
UU       Lozenge
UV       Percent Topical Only
UW       Milliequivalent
UX       Dram (Minim)
UY       Fifty Square Feet
UZ       Fifty Count
V1       Flat
V2       Pouch
VA       Volt-ampere per Kilogram
VC       Five Hundred
VI       Vial
VP       Percent Volume
VR       Volt-ampere-reactive
VS       Visit
W2       Wet Kilo
WA       Watts per Kilogram
WB       Wet Pound
WD       Work Days
WE       Wet Ton
WG       Wine Gallon
WH       Wheel
WI       Weight per Square Inch
WK       Week
WM       Working Months
WP       Pennyweight
WR       Wrap
WW       Milliliters of Water
X1       Chains (Land Survey)
X2       Bunch
X3       Clove
X4       Drop
X5       Head
X6       Heart
X7       Leaf
X8       Loaf
X9       Portion
XP       Base Box per Pound
Y1       Slice
Y2       Tablespoon
Y3       Teaspoon
Y4       Tub
YD       Yard
YL       100 Lineal Yards
YR       Years
YT       Ten Yards
Z1       Lift Van
Z2       Chest
Z3       Cask
Z4       Hogshead
Z5       Lug
Z6       Conference Points
Z8       Newspaper Agate Line
ZA       Bimonthly
ZB       Biweekly
ZC       Semiannual
ZP       Page
ZZ       Mutually Defined