1300 Service, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge Code
Code identifying the service, promotion, allowance, or charge
A010 Absolute Minimum Charge
A020 Access Charge - Federal
A030 Access Charge - State
A040 Access Charges
A050 Account Number Correction Charge
A060 Acid (Battery)
A070 Acknowledgement of Delivery Fee (AOD)
A080 Activation of Carnet
A090 Ad Valorem
A100 Add on - Destination
A110 Add on - Origin
A112 Add to Make Market Value
A120 Additional Copies of Freight Bill
A121 Additional Commercial Invoices
A122 Additional Tariff Classifications
A130 Additional Material
A140 Address Correction
A150 Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
A160 Adjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
A170 Adjustments
A172 Administrative
A180 Advance Charges Handling
A190 Advance Destination Amount
A200 Advance Destination Fee
A210 Advance Fee
A220 Advance Lading Charge
A230 Advance Origin Amount
A240 Advance Origin Fee
A250 Advances
A260 Advertising Allowance
A270 Affidavit
A280 Agent Disbursement - Destination
A290 Agent Disbursement - Origin
A300 Air Export Certificate
A310 Air Express Charge
A320 Air Transportation Charge
A330 Aircraft On Ground (AOG)
A340 Airline Opening Fee
A350 Airport Terminal Handling Charge
A360 Alcoholic Beverage Report Charge
A370 Allegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
A380 Allowance Advance
A390 Allowance for Consignment Merchandise
A400 Allowance Non-performance
A410 "Alterations"
A420 Amending Export Documentation
A430 Anneal/Heat (Steel or Glass Treatment)
A440 Anodizing Charge
A445 Anti-dumping Duty
A450 Appointment (Notification)
A460 Arbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
A470 Art Work
A480 Assembly
A485 Assist Amount
A490 Attachments to Bill of Lading Charge
A500 Bad Debt
A510 Banking Drafts
A520 Base Charge
A530 Basic Reorder Allowance
A540 Beaming Charge
A550 Bedding/Feeding/Disinfecting
A555 Beef Fee
A560 Beyond Charge
A570 Beyond Freight Charges
A580 Bill and Hold
A590 Bill of Lading Attendancy
A600 Bill of Lading Charge
A610 Billed Demand
A620 Black Lung Tax
A630 Blocking and Bracing Charge
A640 Blower Charge
A650 Bobtail Charges
A658 Bond Amount
A660 Bond Charge
A670 Bordeaux Arbitraries
A680 Both-Flat
A690 Break Bulk Surface Charge
A691 Breakbulk Services
A700 Bridge Toll
A710 Broken Lot
A720 Broken Package Charge
A721 Brokerage
A730 Brokerage or Duty
A740 Bunker Surcharge
A750 Burning
A760 Buyer Hand Carry
A770 Buyers Car Allowance
A780 Cable Pressurization
A790 Cables (sending of)
A800 Call Tag
A810 Camp Arbitrary
A820 Canada Great Lakes Additionals
A830 Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
A840 Canadian Currency Exchange
A850 Canadian Import Termination Fee
A860 Canadian Reconsignment Fee
A870 Canadian Remanifest Fee
A880 Cancellation Charge
A890 Cancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
A900 Capping
A910 Car Loading
A920 Car Rental
A930 Carrier Credit Allowance
A940 Carrier Debit Allowance
A950 Carrier Notification Charge
A960 Carrier
A970 Cartage Charge
A980 Cartage
A990 Cataloging Services
ADOW Payroll Additives, Overtime Labor
ADRW Payroll Additives, Straight Time Labor
ALPT Port Changes
B000 Central Buy
B010 Cents Off
B015 Bop Sheet
B020 Certificate of Conformance
B030 Certificate of Origin
B040 Certificate of Registration
B050 Certification
B060 Chain and Binders
B070 Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
B080 Change of Airbill - Service Fee
B090 Charges Forward/Advance Charge
B091 Charter Services
B100 Chassis Transfer
B110 Chemical Milling Charge
B120 Chicago Loop Charge
B130 Cigarette Stamping
B140 City Delivery
B150 City maintenance fee
B160 City Pick-up
B170 City Terminal Charge
B180 Cleaning Charge
B190 Closing & Sealing
B200 Co-manufacturing Discount
B210 Co-op Credit
B220 Coating (Dip, Rustproof, EDP)
B230 COD Amount
B240 COD Charges
B250 Collect on Delivery Alteration Charge
B260 Collect on Delivery Deletion Charge
B270 Collect Surcharge
B280 Combination Performance and Non-performance
B290 Combination
B300 Combine All Same Day Shipment
B310 Commission Amount
B320 Competitive Allowance
B330 Competitive Car Allowance
B340 Competitive Price
B350 Compressor Charge
B360 Concession Credit
B370 Concession Money
B380 Congestion Surcharge
B390 Connect Charge
B400 Conservation research fee
B500 Consignee Unload
B510 Consolidation
B520 Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
B530 Constant Surveillance Service
B540 Consular Legalization Service
B550 Consularization Fee
B551 Consulting Service
B560 Container Allowance
B570 Container Deposits
B580 Container Destuffing
B581 Container Discount
B590 Container Leasing
B600 Container Service Charge UK/EUR
B610 Container Service Charge USA/Canada
B620 Container Stuffing
B630 Container/Trailer Allowance
B650 Continuous Mileage
B660 Contract Allowance
B670 Contract Escalation
B680 Contract Service Charge
B690 Controlled Atmosphere
B700 Converting
B720 Cooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
B730 Copy of Bill of Lading Charge
B740 Copy of Delivery Receipt Charge
B742 Copying
B750 Core Charge
B760 Cost Recovery Factor
B770 Cost recovery/adjustment
B775 Cotton Fee
B780 Count and Recount
B785 Coupon Reimbursement
B787 Countervailing Duty
B790 Crafting
B791 Crating
B800 Credit
B810 Currency Adjustment Factor
B820 Currency Adjustment
B830 Currency Discount
B840 Customer Account Identification
B850 Customer Equipment Allowance
B860 Customs Broker Fee
B870 Customs Charge
B872 Customs Duty
B880 Customs Entry
B881 Customs Exam
B890 Customs Formalities
B900 Customs Invoice - Additional Page
B910 Customs Invoice
B911 Customs Penalty
B920 Cut and Parallel
B930 Cut
B940 Cutting Charge
B950 Damaged Merchandise
B960 Data/Drawing Charge
B970 De-Installation
B980 Deadhead Mileage Charge
B990 Deaf and Disabled Surcharge
B992 Declared Value for Carriage
B994 Declared Value for Customs
B996 Declared Value for Insurance
B998 Deduct to Make Market Value
BU2T Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
BU4T Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
BUAT Bunker Adjustment
BURD Burden, Overhead, or Allowance for Indirect Costs
C000 Defective Allowance
C010 Deficit Freight
C020 Delay Furnishing Destination Weights
C030 Delivery Surcharge
C040 Delivery
C050 Demand charge
C060 Demurrage - Average Agreement
C070 Demurrage - Special
C080 Demurrage
C090 Deposit Charges
C100 Deposit in Lieu of Order
C110 Deposit
C120 Deramping
C130 Derrick Charge
C140 Designated Supplier Inspection
C150 Destination Charge
C160 Detention - Special Type Flat Car
C170 Detention Loading
C180 Detention of Power Units
C190 Detention of Trailers
C200 Detention Unloading
C210 Determined Freight
C220 Development Charge
C230 Die Service Charge
C231 Disbursement
C240 Disconnect Charge
C250 Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
C260 Discount - Incentive
C270 Discount - Multiple Shipment
C280 Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
C290 Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
C300 Discount - Special
C310 Discount
C320 Display Allowance
C330 Distribution Fee
C340 Distribution Service
C350 Distributor Discount/Allowance
C360 Diversion and Reconsignment
C370 Diversion Charge
C380 Diversion to Air Charge
C390 Dockage - Boat Detention
C400 Documentation Charge
C401 Document Handling
C402 Door-to-Door
C410 Dowel Pin Charge
C420 Drayage
C430 Drayage/Line Haul
C440 Driver Assisted Unloading
C450 Driver's Wages
C460 Drop Dock
C470 Drop Yard
C480 Drum Cost
C490 Drum Deposit
C500 Drum Up Charge
C510 Dry Ice
C520 Dryer Charge
C530 Duty Charge
C531 Duty Drawback
C540 Early Buy Allowance
C550 Early Payment Allowance
C560 Early Ship Allowance
C570 Emergency Port Charge
C580 Emergency Service
C590 Emergency Surcharge
C600 Empty Weighing Charge
C610 Enclosure
C630 Endorsement Fee
C640 Energy charge
C650 Energy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
C660 Engineering Charge
C670 Engraving
C675 Entered Value
C680 Environmental Protection Service
C690 Escalation
C700 Escort Service
C710 Eur1 Presentation Fee
C720 European Port Charges
C730 Excess Mileage Charge
C740 Excess Periods
C750 Excess Value Fee
C760 Excess Weight
C770 Excessive Value Charge
C780 Exchange Access Credit
C790 Exclusive Use Of Equipment
C800 Exclusive Use
C810 Exhibition Delivery Charge
C820 Exhibition Pickup Charge
C830 Expanded Service
C840 Expedited One Day Consular Service
C850 Expedited Service Charge
C860 Expedited Shipments
C870 Expediting Fee
C880 Expediting Premium
C890 Export Customs Clearance
C900 Export Declarations - Automated
C910 Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
C920 Export License Application
C930 Export Shipping Charge
C940 Export/Import Charge
C950 Extra Copies and Mailings
C960 Extra Labor (Helper Service)
C970 Extra Length
C980 Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
C990 Fabrication Charge
CA2T Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
CA4T Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
CFCT Customs Fees - Container Level
CFLT Customs Fees - Lift Level
CGTT Cargo Taxes
CLDT Container Loss/Damage
COMM Communications Charges
CRLT Container Lease
CTLT Controlled Atmosphere
CUFT Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk
D000 Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
D010 Facsimile Charges
D015 Dunnage
D020 Failed Lamp Panel Charge
D025 Fax Pre-alert
D030 Federal Transfer Surcharge
D040 Finance Charge
D050 First Article Charge
D060 First Flight Out
D070 Flat Rate
D080 Floor Stock Protection
D100 Food and Lodging
D101 Foreign Office Advance
D103 Foreign Customs Duty
D110 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
D120 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
D130 Forwarding Agent Commission
D140 Forwarding Charge
D141 Forward Coupons
D142 Capture Additional Data
D143 Provide Name and Address
D144 Provide Household Identifier
D150 Franchise fee
D160 Free Domicile Shipment Processing
D170 Free Goods
D180 Freight Based on Dollar Minimum
D190 Freight Charges to Border
D200 Freight Charges to Destination
D210 Freight Equalization
D220 Freight Passthrough
D230 Freight Surcharge
D240 Freight
D242 Freight, International
D244 Freight, International, U.S. Dollars
D246 Freight, International, Non-U.S. Dollars
D250 Freshness/Leaker Allowance
D260 Fuel Charge
D270 Fuel Surcharge
D280 Full Service
D290 Full Truckload Allowance
D292 Fumigation
D300 Garment District
D301 Gateway Fee
D310 Gas Pressure
D320 Glaze
D330 Gold Factor
D340 Goods and Services Charge
D350 Goods and Services Credit Allowance
D360 Goods and Services Tax Charge
D370 Government Inspection
D380 Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
D390 Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
D400 Grain Doors
D410 Grain Flow Charge
D420 Grinding
D430 Gross Receipts Surcharge
D440 Groupage Discount
D450 Grouped Items
D460 Guaranteed Inspection Technical Service
D470 Gulf Port Delivery Charge
D480 Handling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
D490 Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
D500 Handling
D501 Harbor Maintenance Report
D502 Harbor Maintenance Fee
D510 Hauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
D520 Hauling and Hoisting
D530 Hazardous Cargo Charge
D540 Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
D550 Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
D560 Hazardous Storage
D570 Heat in Transit Charges
D580 Heat Treat Charge
D590 Heavy Duty Flat Car Charge
D600 Heavy Lift
D610 High Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
D620 Highway Interchange
D630 Hointins and Hauling
D640 Holding Charge
D650 Home Line Freight Charge
D655 Honey Fee
D660 Hook-up charge
D670 Hose Charge Special
D680 Hose Charge
D690 Household Goods Pick-up or Delivery
D700 IATA Airbill Preparation
D701 International Air Transport Association (IATA) Commission
D710 IATA Fee
D711 International Air Transport Association (IATA) Markup
D720 Identification
D730 Import Service Fee
D740 In Transit Price Protection
D750 Inbound Freight Charges
D760 Income Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
D770 Incorrect Billing Account Charge
D780 Industry Price Allowance
D790 Initial License Fee
D800 Inland Transportation
D810 Inside Cable Connectors
D820 Inside Delivery
D830 Inside Pick-up
D840 Inspect at Destination
D850 Inspect at Origin
D860 Inspection Fee
D870 Inspection
D880 Installation & Warranty
D890 Installation and Training
D900 Installation
D910 Insulated Tank Charge
D920 Insurance Fee
D930 Insurance Placement Cost Charge
D940 Insurance Premium
D950 Insurance Provided by Lessee
D960 Insurance Provided by Lessor
D970 Insurance Surcharge
D980 Insurance
D990 Interdivision Profit
D995 Interest Amount
DCET Damage to Carrier Equipment
DCVT Damage to Carrier Vessel
DDZT Drayage at Port of Debarkation (Rate Zone)
DEZT Drayage at Port of Embarkation (Rate Zone)
DFDT Keep From Freezing Percent Differential
DGET Damage to Government Equipment
DOVT Container Diversion
DPDT Drayage at Port of Debarkation
DPET Drayage at Port of Embarkation
E000 Interest on refund
E010 Interest on Security Deposit
E020 Interim Use Permitted at Special Rate
E022 International Courier
E030 International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
E040 Interplant Charge
E050 Interstate/Highway Toll
E060 Intra-plant Charge
E063 Invoice Additional Amount
E065 Invoice Adjustment
E067 Invoice At-Cost Amount
E068 Invoice Delivery Terms Amount
E069 Invoice No-Charge Amount
E070 Invoice Services
E080 Invoice with Goods
E090 Irish Arbitraries
E100 Island Delivery Charge
E110 Island Pick-Up Charge
E120 Italian Release Charge
E130 Item Percentage
E140 Item-Unit
E150 Koshering
E160 Label Allowance
E170 Labeling
E180 Labor (Repair and Return Orders)
E190 Labor Charges
E191 Labor, Straight-time
E192 Labor, Overtime
E193 Labor, Premium Overtime
E200 Labor Cost of Removal
E210 Labor Service
E220 Labor, Modify
E230 Labor, No Trouble Found
E240 Labor, Test and Calibrate
E250 Lading Adjustment Charge
E260 Lashing
E270 Late Order Charge
E280 Late Payment Charge
E290 Layout/Design
E300 Layover Charges
E310 Lead Factor
E320 Leaking Underground Storage Tax (LUST)
E330 Lease Shortfall Consideration
E340 Less Than Truckload (LTL) Charge
E350 Letter of Credit Processing
E360 License and Title
E370 Lifeline Surcharge
E380 Lift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pick-up/Delivery
E381 Lime Fee
E382 Liquidation Anti-Dumping Duty
E384 Liquidation Countervailing Duty
E386 Liquidation Tax Amount
E388 Liquidation Total Due U.S. Customs Service (USCS)
E389 Liquidation Total Fees
E390 Load Weighing Charge
E400 Loading (Labor Charges)
E410 Loading
E420 Loan Fee
E430 Local Delivery/Drayage
E440 Locomotive Delayed in Switching Service
E450 Locomotive Under Own Power
E460 Lot Charge
E470 Lump Sum
E480 Machining Charge
E485 Mail Fee
E490 Mail Invoice to Each Location
E500 Mail Invoice
E510 Mailing - Postage Cost
E520 Mailing - Service Fee
E530 Manifest Charge
E540 Manufacturing
E550 Market Development Funds
E560 Marking or Tagging Charge
E570 Marriage Rule
E580 Memo Returnable Container
E585 Merchandise Processing Fee
E590 Message Charge
E600 Message Rate Adjustment
E610 Messenger Service
E620 Metals Surcharge
E630 Meter Charge
E640 Mileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
E650 Mileage or Travel
E660 Monthly Rental
E670 Mount/Demount
E680 Mounting
E690 Municipal Surcharge
E695 Mushroom Fee
E700 N.H.D. Wharfage
E710 New Discount
E720 New Distribution Allowance
E730 New Item Allowance
E740 New Store Allowance
E750 New Store Discount
E760 New Warehouse Discount
E770 New Warehouse
E780 New York Delivery Charge
E790 New York Pick-up Charge
E800 No Return Credit Allowance
E805 Non-Dutiable Charges
E810 Non Generated Freight
E820 Non-returnable Containers
E830 Normal Pump Charge
E840 Notarized Affidavit
E850 Notify Consignee Before Delivery
E860 Notify Consignee
E870 Nozzle Charge
E880 Ocean Charges - Hazardous
E890 Ocean Freight
E900 Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
E910 On Carriage
E920 On Hand Service
E930 One - Day Service
E940 One Time Engineering Charge
E950 One-Time License Fee
E960 One-Time-Only Charge
E970 Onetime Tooling
E980 Operator Credit
E990 Option Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
ENGA Engineering Supplies
EXLT Extra Length Surcharge
F000 Optional Charge
F010 Optional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
F020 Optional Software Support for Switching Systems
F030 Order Notify Charge
F040 Order-Flat
F050 Other (See related description)
F060 Other Accessorial Service Charge
F061 Other Advances
F062 Other Export Charges
F063 Other Government Agency Declaration
F065 Other Government Agency Exam
F067 Other Import Charge
F070 Out of Route Miles
F080 Out of Zone Pick-up or Delivery
F090 Outside Cable Connectors
F100 Over Dimension
F110 Overrun Charge
F120 Oversized Premium
F130 Overtime Loading
F140 Pack Invoice with Shipment
F150 Packaging Service
F155 Packaging
F160 Painting (Primer or Finish)
F170 Pallet Exchange Charge
F180 Pallet
F190 Palletizing
F200 Paralleling
F210 Parish/County Sales Tax (only)
F220 Passing Shippers Export Entry
F225 Pecan Fee
F230 Penalty Charge
F240 Per Item Charge
F250 Per Order Charge
F260 Per Pound Charge
F270 Percent of Product
F271 Percent of Shipped Quantity that is Returnable
F272 Percent of Shipment Value that is Returnable
F280 Performance Allowance
F290 Performance Award
F300 Permit Charge
F310 Permits Bonds Escort Attendant
F320 Phosphatizing (Steel Treatment)
F330 Pick-up and Delivery
F340 Pick/Up
F350 Pickle and Oil
F360 Pickup - Out of Area
F370 Pickup Surcharge
F380 Pier Charges - Wharfage
F390 Pier Charges Other Than Wharfage
F400 Pier Pick-up and/or Delivery
F401 Pier Unloading
F410 Pilot Inspection
F420 Placement and/or Removal Charge
F430 Plating
F440 Pole, Wood-service Charge
F445 Pork Fee
F450 Positioning at Origin
F460 Postage
F465 Potato Fee
F470 Power Factor Adjustment
F480 Pre-carriage Excess
F490 Pre-carriage
F500 Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
F510 Precious Metal Content
F520 Preloading Charge
F530 Prelodge Charge
F540 Premise Use
F550 Premium Charge
F560 Premium Transportation
F570 Prepaid Usage Allowance
F580 Preparation and Delivery
F590 Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
F600 Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
F610 Preparation of Commercial Invoice
F620 Preparation of Export Entry
F630 Preparation of Insurance Certificate
F640 Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
F650 Preparation
F660 Previous Billing
F670 Price and Marketing Allowance
F680 Price Deviation
F690 Prior Balance
F700 Prior Billing Amount
F710 Prior Delivery Of Bill Charge
F720 Prior Month Credit
F730 Priority Service
F740 Process in Transit Privilege
F750 Processing Charge
F760 Processing
F770 Professional Fees
F780 Proforma Invoice
F790 Progress Payment Requirement
F800 Promotional Allowance
F810 Promotional Discount
F820 Proof & Composition
F830 Proof of Delivery
F840 Protective Service - Cold
F850 Protective Service - Heat
F860 Protective Service Charge
F870 Pulling Eyes
F880 Pump Air Charge
F890 Pump Charge
F900 Purchase Option
F910 Quantity Discount
F920 Quantity Surcharge
F930 Equipment Manufacturer Restoration Audit
F940 Ramping
F950 Rate Code
F960 Re-Bill Charge
F970 Rebate
F980 Rebilled Drayage - Destination
F990 Rebilled Drayage - Origin
F991 Receiving
FAKT Barge Freight All Kinds Service
FLST Flatrack Surcharge
G000 Recipient Address Correction
G010 Reclamation, Federal
G020 Reclamation, State
G025 Reconciliation
G030 Reconnect charge
G040 Reconsign Consignee Charge
G050 Reconsign Delivery Charge
G060 Reconsignment Charge
G070 Recoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
G080 Record/Filing
G090 Recovery Fee
G100 Recovery
G110 Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
G120 Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
G130 Recurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
G140 Recurring License Fee
G150 Recurring Software Maintenance Charge
G160 Redelivery
G170 Redistribution Allowance
G180 Reduction Prepalletized Cargo
G190 Reel Cable
G200 Reel Deposit
G210 Reel
G220 Refrigeration
G230 Refrigeration/Mechanical Detention
G240 Refund
G250 Refurbishing Charge
G260 Regain
G270 Registration of Export for Reentry
G280 Registration of Export Shipments
G290 Regulatory Fee
G300 Regulatory required refund
G310 Reliability Charge
G320 Relinquishment Charge
G322 Reliquidation Anti-Dumping Duty
G324 Reliquidation Countervailing Duty
G326 Reliquidation Tax Amount
G328 Reliquidation Total Due U.S. Customs Service (USCS)
G329 Reliquidation Total Fees
G330 Rental Charge
G340 Rental Deduction
G350 Rents and Leases
G360 Repack Charge
G370 Repair at Buyers Expense Charge
G380 Repair at Customer Expense Charge
G390 Repair at Government Expense Charge
G400 Repair
G410 Repickup
G420 Request Via Canada
G430 Research & Development Fee
G440 Resellers Discount
G450 Residential Delivery
G460 Residential Pick-up
G470 Restocking Charge
G480 Restricted Article Fee
G490 Retainer
G500 Return Cargo Charge
G510 Returnable Container
G520 Returned Load
G530 Rework
G540 Riding Attendant Charge
G550 Rocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
G560 Roll Out Adjustment
G570 Roll Rebate
G580 Royalties
G590 Salvage
G600 Same - Day Service
G610 Saturday Delivery
G620 Saturday Pick-up or Delivery Charge
G630 Saturday Pick-Up
G640 Scale Charge Unloading
G650 Scale Charge
G660 Scrap Allowance
G670 Security Signature Service
G680 Segregating (Sorting)
G690 Select Charge
G700 Self Unloader
G710 Seller Hand Carry
G720 Service Assistance Program Surcharge
G730 Service Charge (with Cash Discount)
G740 Service Charge
G750 Service Upgrade
G760 Set-up
G770 Shearing
G775 Sheep Fee
G780 Ship to Stock Quality Audit
G790 Shipper Load and Count
G800 Shipper Load Carrier Count
G810 Shipper Load Consignee Unload
G820 Shipper Load
G821 Shipping
G830 Shipping and Handling
G840 Shipside Pickup
G850 Shotblasting
G860 Shrink Allowance
G870 Shrink-Wrap Charge
G880 Shrinkage Allowance
G890 Single Invoice Allowance
G900 Single Pick-up
G910 Single Shipment Fee
G920 Sleeving
G930 Slip Sheet Unloading Allowance
G940 Slip Sheet, Rail
G950 Slip Sheet, Truck
G960 Slotting Allowance
G970 Small Order Charge
G980 Software Support Service
G990 Source Inspection
GMST Garment Surcharge
H000 Special Allowance
H010 Special Buy
H020 Special Circus Trains
H030 Special Credit
H040 Special Delivery
H050 Special Detention Charge
H060 Special Equipment Charge
H070 Special Finish Charge
H080 Special Freight Supplements
H090 Special Handling
H100 Special Mileage Movements
H110 Special Packaging
H120 Special Permits
H130 Special Pickup
H140 Special Pump Charge
H150 Special Seal Charge
H151 Special Services
H160 Special Test Equipment Charge
H170 Special Tooling Charge
H180 Special Tooling rework charge
H190 Special Train Movement
H200 Special Use
H210 Special Vehicle Rent
H215 Specific Duty
H220 Specification Review
H230 Split Delivery
H240 Split Pick-Up at Pier Charge
H250 Split Pick-up
H260 Spool Charge
H270 Spotting of Trailer
H280 Spreader Charge
H290 Stamp Fee
H300 Stamping
H310 Standby Charge
H320 State Motor Fuel
H330 State Sales Charge
H340 State Surcharge
H350 State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
H360 Steaming Charge
H370 Stenciling Charge
H380 Stop-off at Pier Charge
H390 Stop-off Charge
H400 Stopcharge
H410 Stopping in Transit
H420 Storage in Transit
H430 Storage
H440 Straightening Charge
H450 Strapping
H460 Street lamps charge
H470 Stripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
H480 Subject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
H490 Subject To Tax On Resale
H500 Sufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
H505 Sugar Fee
H507 Sum of Adds and Deducts to Make Market Value
H510 Sunday or Holiday Pick-up or Delivery
H520 Super Bag Charge
H530 Supervisor Charge
H535 Supplemental Duty
H540 Supplemental Items
H550 Surcharge
H551 Surety Bond
H560 Swell
H570 Switch Charge
H580 Switching Charge
H590 Tank Car Allowance
H600 Tank Rental
H605 Tarping
H610 Tax - Airport Tax, Destination
H620 Tax - Airport Tax, Origin
H625 Tax - Beverage Tax
H630 Tax - City Sales Tax (Only)
H640 Tax - Excise Tax - Destination
H650 Tax - Excise Tax - Origin
H660 Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET
H670 Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET, on Tires
H680 Tax - Governmental
H690 Tax - Handling Charge Tax
H700 Tax - Local Tax
H710 Tax - Metropolitan Transit Tax
H720 Tax - Regulatory Tax
H730 Tax - Local Sales Tax
H740 Tax - Sales and Use
H750 Tax - Sales Tax (State and Local)
H760 Tax - State Hazardous Substance
H770 Tax - State Tax
H780 Tax - Super Fund Excise Tax
H790 Tax - Use Tax
H800 Tax - Value Added Tax (VAT)
H806 Tax Credit
H810 Tax Liability - Amortized
H820 Tax Liability - One Time
H830 Tax on Miscellaneous Charges
H840 Tax on Transportation
H850 Tax
H855 Tea Fee
H860 Technology Exchange
H870 Telegram Chargeback
H880 Telephone - Destination
H890 Telephone - Origin
H900 Telephone Charge
H910 Temperature Protection
H920 Temporary Allowance
H930 Temporary Voluntary Allowance
H935 Tendered as Truckload
H940 Terminal Charge
H950 Terminal Differential
H960 Terminal Service Fee
H970 Terms Allowance
H980 Test/Qualification Charge
H990 Testing Services Charge
HZDT Hazardous Cargo on Deck
I000 Testing
I010 Third Party Allowance
I020 Third Party Pallets
I030 Throughput Allowance
I040 Throughput Container Charge
I050 Thruway Charge
I060 Ticketing Service
I070 Tobacco Products Report Charge
I080 TOFC Service Charge
I090 Tool Charge
I100 Tooling Rework Charge
I110 Tooling
I120 Tools for Printing
I130 Total Assessorial Charges
I131 Total Fees
I132 Total Invoice Amount
I133 Total Due U.S. Customs Service (USCS)
I134 Total Invoice Amount, U.S. Dollars
I136 Total Invoice Amount, Non-U.S. Dollars
I138 Total Material Invoice Amount
I140 Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
I150 Tracing Service Fee
I160 Track Storage
I170 Trade Discount
I180 Trade In
I190 Trailer Rental Charge
I200 Transfer Charge
I210 Transfer of Lading Charge
I220 Transferred Charges
I230 Transit
I240 Transportation And Setup
I250 Transportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
I260 Transportation Direct Billing
I270 Transportation Third Party Billing
I280 Transportation Vendor Provided
I290 Trimming Charge
I300 Truck Detention
I310 Truckload Discount
I320 Turning Charge
I330 Two - Day Service
I340 Two Door Pick Up
I350 U.S. Vehicles
I360 Unabsorbed Switching
I370 Unitized
I380 Unloading (Labor Charges)
I390 Unloading
I400 Unloading/Reloading Charge
I410 Unsaleable Merchandise Allowance
I411 Unscheduled Fee
I420 Up Charge
I430 Usage Plan Detail Charge
I431 U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Flat Assist Amount
I432 U.S. Customs Service (USCS) Maximum Assist Amount
I440 USDA Inspected, Stamping Certification
I450 Use - Special Type Flat Car
I460 Use Charge Tooling/Personnel
I470 Valuation Fee
I480 Vehicle Ordered but Not Used
I490 Vehicle Prep Charge (Courtesy Delivery)
I495 Vehicle Road Charge
I500 Vendor Freight
I510 Venting Instructions
I520 Virgin Island Transfer Charge
I530 Volume Discount
I540 Voluntary Contribution Charge
I550 Waiting Time
I560 War Risk Surcharge
I570 Warehouse
I580 Warehousing
I590 Warranties
I595 Watermelon Fee
I600 Waybill and Invoice Distribution
I610 Weather Protection
I620 Weight Verification Charge
I630 Wharfage & Handling
I640 Wharfage Charge
I650 Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
I660 Will Call Charge
I670 Written Proof of Delivery
I680 X-ray Charge
I690 Gratuity
I700 Escrow
I710 Payment
I720 Direct Product Handling (DPC)
I730 Price Adjustment Percent (PCT)
I740 Post Damaged Handling (PDC)
I750 Reclamation Center Handling (Chute)
I760 Reclamation Shared Responsibility (SRS)
IDCT Improper Documentation
LC2T Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
LC4T Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container
LCLT Percent Differential - Less Than Container
LECT Less Than Container
LFDT Linehaul from Port of Debarkation
LMDT Liner Terms at Port of Embarkation
LNDT Liner Terms at Port of Debarkation
LPDT Linehaul Percent Differential
LQDT Liquidated Damages
LTET Linehaul to Port of Embarkation
MATT Modified Atmosphere
OCNT Over Height Container
OFFA Office Supplies
OODT On Deck Break Bulk Differential
OTHR Other Miscellaneous Earning or Additive
OWCT Over Width Container
PRST Stuffing Charge
PTAX Payroll Taxes
PVPT Private Owned Vehicle Processing
R020 Personal Property, Member
R030 Personal Property, Spouse
R040 Port Handling and Unloading
R060 Packing, Crating, and Handling Charge
R080 Packing, Crating, Handling, and Transportation Charge
RDHT Railhead Handling
RFMT Reefer Maintenance
RPDT Reefer Cargo Percent Differential
RSTT Respotting
SFBT Single Factor Origination/Destination
SFDT Single Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
SFET Single Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
SSCT Stripping, Sorting and Consolidation
SSUT Pole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
STDT Stopoff at Destination
STFT Stuffing
STOT Stopoff at Origination
TERT Terminal Handling Charges
VCLT Van Cleaning
WBBT Wharfage - Breakbulk
WCFT Wharfage - Container
WFTT Wasted/Futile Trip
WRBT War Risk Crew Insurance
WRIT War Risk Insurance
ZZZZ Mutually Defined